4 Inches High x 5 Inches Wide x 7 Inches Deep
This piece is also available in cast bronze. To select and view pricing, click “Bronze Cast” in the patina selection dropdown. Casts will be patinated in a standard medium brown-bronze color. View other pieces in the Bronze Collection . Turnaround time for a bronze cast is up to 3 months.
Alice Decker (American, 1901-1979) carved many animal sculptures as well as works of social comment.
Artist: Alice Decker
Time Period: Modern
Caproni Galleries Inc. Supplement (c. 1935) # - 14082
"Decker, Alice." Union List of Artist Names Online. The Getty Research Institute, .
Miller, Tom. "A House Where Art was Created -- 61 Perry Street." 23 May 2013. Daytonian in Manhattan, .